Thursday, January 14, 2016

Vikings Fans Losing Their Crap Over Blair Walsh's Missed Field Goal

I'm a Vikings fan. I'm not a very big football fan, but sometimes baseball isn't on, so I watch football. When I watch football I root for the Vikings, and my absolute favorite part about it is watching Vikings fans lose their shit when the team inevitably epically messes up.

That is exactly what happened last Sunday, when Vikings kicker Blair Walsh missed a 27 yard, game-winning field goal in the final seconds of the game.

I watched 50 videos of Vikings fans reacting to the missed kick on YouTube and took notes on my observations (it just really never gets old to me). Below is a summary of how many of the videos included fans doing or saying the following:
  • "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!": 22 (44%)
  • Immediately collapsing on the floor: 14 (28%) (Fans usually remained on the floor face down or in the fetal position)
  • Immediately stating the obvious "HE MISSED IT ": 11 (22%)
  • "Oh my god.": 15 (30%)
  • "I CALLED IT/I KNEW IT": 6 (12%)
  • Screaming explicitives: 29 (58%) (Often done in front of small children)
  • Crying: 3 (6%)
  • Laughing: 10 (20%)
  • Unintelligible, extended screaming: 10 (20%)
  • Staring with mouth open speechless: 2 (4%)
  • "I'm done/That's it": 3 (6%)
  • "Are you kidding me?/You have to be kidding me.": 11 (22%)
  • Throwing objects: 10 (20%) (Most of these were Vikings hats the fan had been wearing and threw at/or near the TV.)
  • "How?"/"What?": 17 (34%)
  • Expressing denial ("That did not just happen."/"Unbelievable."): 11 (22%)
  • "No more Superbowl": 1 (2%)
  • Immediately taking off Vikings jersey or shirt (My personal favorite): 5 (10%)
  • Expressing general, explicit agony about the Vikings and how this always happens: 6 (12%)
  • Mentioning Gary Anderson: 2 (4%)

Here's a couple of my favorite ones:

Fan vaping alone in his garage:

Fan with young unbelievably cute daughter who has no idea what just happened:

Paralyzed fan:

Classic Vikings meltdown fan:

Fan who had me in tears:

Fan who always believed in the Vikings:

Hysterical fan:

"No More Superbowl" fans:
