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Last weekend the Twins celebrated their 50th Season with a slew of celebrations: Pictures with Twins Alumni near gate 34 before the game; announcing the 50 Greatest Twins on the field; Greg Gagne’s induction into the Twins Hall of Fame; Thome tying and passing McGwire on the all-time homerun list; awesome throwback uniforms all three days; and, of course, the Twins Legends game. It was basically the greatest weekend of my life.
I was lucky enough to go to the games Friday and Sunday. For Friday, I was able to score some pretty sweet seats close behind the plate.
The 50 Greatest Twins were announced on the field before the game. The whole thing was really cool—there was a little video for each player, with different narrators talking about the player for each one. For example:
Corey Koskie (Narrated by Justin Morneau)
My favorite one was when Theresa Mauer read the bio for Joe Mauer. I think I cried.
Jeff Reardon (and if you look real close in the lower left corner, you can see Eddie Guardado turned around waving at my Mom!)
Brad Radke waves to fans.
The last Twin to be announced--Harmon Killbrew--takes the field.
The PA guy announced that Harmon Killebew was going to catch the first pitch. I'm not sure if that was a surprise on him, because he looked around a little confused for a second. Luckily, Gardy ran out and did the dirty work for the Killer.
The game was nice. Some crazy guy named Fox pitched, and the defense was able to squeak out the win.
In the 8th inning, former Twins all-star Christian Guzman pinch ran for Josh Hamilton.
I heard shouts of “GUZZZ” come out from the crowd, but nothing too crazy. I had been excited to see him myself, so I yelled pretty loud.
Before the game on Sunday, Twins alumni played the Twins’ first ever Legends Game at Target Field. There were Twins everywhere!
The guys warmed up and took batting practice on the field for about an hour before the game. They were all having a blast. I'm willing to bet Herbk had already put a few back in the clubhouse.
Not everyone took batting practice--but I swear every time I turned around Corey Koskie was in or just coming out of the cage. He seemed very exciting to be playing ball on a field in front of a crowd again.
It was really fun just to watch all the guys socializing on the field and in the dugout.
Ron Washington, donning a Twins uniform, gets secret information from Jon Rauch and Matt Capps.
The Killer
Radke rubbing Eddie Guardado's head in the dugout.
Radke smiling after rubbing Eddie's head in the dugout.
TK and Cristian Guzman catching up.
TK and Cristian Guzman catching up.
Valencia looking pretty gitty.
Jim Perry checking over the lineup.
Before the game, all the alumni were announced.
Greg Gagne--the newest member of the Twins Fall of Fame.
Mudcat couldn't get out when they called his name, but Jim Perry came to help a minute later.
Mudcat couldn't get out when they called his name, but Jim Perry came to help a minute later.
Apparently, Rod Carew refuses to wear a jersey after his retirement.
Men of stature.
Al Newman batting.
Eddie Guardado batting!
JIM PERRY BATTING! (He even got on base!)
Eddie later substituted himself back into the game to pitch (apparently going for the Cesar Tovar!)
CapitalBabs over at Kunuckleballs was also at the legends game, and has more great pictures. She also has links to video clips from the game.
Men of stature.
When the Twins took the field, an old version of "We're Going to Win Twins!" accompanied them. You can hear some parts in the video below.
The game itself was absolutely hilarious. Guys were falling all over the place, giving mid-inning interviews, hugging, laughing, and trying to play.
Al Newman batting.
Eddie Guardado batting!
JIM PERRY BATTING! (He even got on base!)
Eddie later substituted himself back into the game to pitch (apparently going for the Cesar Tovar!)
The Minnies beat the Pauls 5 to 1, or something like that. No one really cared. In fact, I'm not even sure if everyone stayed on the same team for the entire game.
Afterward, the players all came out for a group photo.
Afterward, the players all came out for a group photo.
An absolutely awesome day. If only Kirby could have been there too...
CapitalBabs over at Kunuckleballs was also at the legends game, and has more great pictures. She also has links to video clips from the game.
Also, please note--FSN is re-broadcasting the entire Legends Game this Friday at 9:30!
Many, but not all, of the pictures are courtesy of my Mom! (The others are mine, of course!)
This was so awesome! I wish I could've been there! Thank you so much for the great pictures and explanations on what was going on. You sure did make me feel like I was right there.